Having a reliable health insurance coverage contributes a great deal towards a person's sense of security.
As an individual, you are aware that you should take care of your health so you employ ways and make an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle.
In spite if this, there are unexpected circumstances regarding your health that no matter how hard you try to prevent, are rather unavoidable.
Thus, you need to make sure that you have a reliable insurance plan and ample coverage should you need to use them in the future, or should an emergency ensue.
Basically, health insurance coverage is divided into two categories: private and government-sponsored.
This is further broken down into several types:
- Private health insurance
This is a non-government health insurance coverage that is paid for by an individual.
- Employment-based plans
This health insurance plan is offered by the company that you work for. You may also take advantage of being a dependent for a relative's health insurance coverage that includes one's immediate family.
- Directly-purchased insurance plans
If you think that the coverage offered by the government or your employer is not enough, you may buy a separate plan that you can purchase privately.
- Government-sponsored health insurance packages
These are plans funded by the federal government. There are several levels, ranging from local, state to federal coverage.
This health insurance plan is required by law and has several types:
1. Medicare
This is a health insurance program which is offered on a national level. The people who can get Medicare benefits are those who are above 65. They may also be given to people with certain disabilities.
2. State Children's Health Insurance Program
This is a program administered by the state. It may have a different name for each state, but the main goal of this program is to offer health care to children whose parents cannot provide for them.
3. Medicaid
This is a health insurance package which is also offered by the state. This medical aid, as the name implies, may be known differently in other states. The basic principle, however, is to offer health insurance benefits for the needy.
4. Military and veteran health care
There are several health care benefits and insurance plans which are provided for retired or active members of the military. These plans extend to their immediate families and their survivors.
Also, the Department of Veteran Affairs offer health insurance coverage to veterans and their dependents.
5. Indian Health Service
Health insurance plans are also offered to eligible American Indians.