Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What if Malaysia hosted the 2020 Olympic Games?


Let’s be clear here.
Malaysia will not host the Olympics Games – well, at least not in my lifetime.
Malaysia is NOT a sporting nation – a prerequisite to becoming an Olympic host.
We have never done well at the Olympics, winning the Suzuki cup doesn’t count
and unfortunately, squash is not an Olympic sport. No, they don’t have congkak at the Olympics. And winning the pencak silat at the SEA

Sunday, July 29, 2012

He who lives by the frog, dies by the frog


Do you remember
things that happened in 1985 in Sabah? In 1985, the young(er) Joseph Pairin
Kitingan and his PBS, despite overwhelming odds, won the state elections. He bravely
stood against the tyranny of Haris Salleh who was then heavily backed by the BN Federal
government. People of Sabah, especially the KadazanDusun community
rejoiced. Pairin went on to be the Sabah Chief Minister for 9

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympics Opening Ceremony - Brilliantly British

I enjoyed the London Olympics opening ceremony last night.

Olympic opening
ceremonies have always been big on pretension. I remember the grand
openings of the Games in Barcelona in 1992 and Sydney 2000. In 2008, Beijing put up a night aiming to shock and
awe the watching world with an unforgettable display of pyrotechnics and lavish
expense. Who can forget Beijing 4 years ago - the

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Deterioration of inter-ethnic relations in Malaysia : Myth or real ?


Have inter-ethnic relations REALLY
deteriorated in Malaysia ? Everywhere you read or hear, people keep saying that
relationships between the various ethnic groups in Malaysia have gone down the
drain. Is this true? Is it really true that relationships were better in the
past? If yes or no, what is the evidence? What is the basis of saying that
relationships, say between the Malays and the

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wanted : A Steve Jobs for sustainability


An article by Manish Bapna and Kirsty Jenkinson, World Resources Institute

Where is
the Steve Jobs of sustainability? The business leader with the big, disruptive
ideas - and the force of will - to achieve for sustainable production and
consumption what Apple’s visionary chief did for global technology and

question springs strongly to mind after attending the Rio

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Orang bangsa apa ni ?


I know
this bunch of people. You tell me what their race (ethnicity) is ?

Many of
them are really intelligent, some are really dumb. Some of them are super
polite and soft-spoken, others are rude and loud. Many of them are honest while
some are crooks.

Many are
religious but others couldn’t give a hoot about religion. Many seek solace in
God, others ask who God is.

Some of

Monday, July 23, 2012

Help community researchers protect Sabah’s biocultural heritage


today I bring you the story of a dedicated bunch of community researchers in
Ulu Papar, Sabah. The story is about how local communities are researching and
documenting their cultural and biological heritage and sharing these with the
rest of the world.

story started in 2005. A group of mostly young school-leavers from a rural
village (Ulu Papar) in Sabah came together to

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ramadan, fasting and I


Since it is Ramadan, I thought I would share my experience about fasting.
It is not about me fasting but my encounters with fasting. In random order.

1. My mother

My (late) mother used to fast every Mondays. My mother’s fast will begin
Sunday night (after dinner) till about 5 pm Monday evening (no sahur-type
meals). She will break her fast after prayers at home, usually with tea and